A Mission of Love Since 1992
Christian ministry for at risk children in Latin America
Every heart wants to share the love of Christ | Every soul longs to make a difference in His name
Honor God by fulfilling crucial needs of Costa Rican and Guatemalan children. These are at-risk children of God who have little to none of the things we take for granted.
You can help provide:
Many children arrive completely destitute, without a family's care or basic provisions that many people take for granted. Often the victims of abuse or neglect, the children's needs are met by the patience and hard work of caring men and women as well as through your support. Homes of Life founders, Tim and Dena Stromstad, along with dedicated staff and volunteers, minister to these precious at-risk children – providing a safe, nurturing place to learn about God's love for them in Christ.
If you're looking for a reputable organization to donate or participate in life-changing mission trips, we hope you'll prayerfully consider Homes of Life. We count on the generosity of volunteers, donors, churches, and businesses who share our dedication to the well-being of children in Guatemala and Costa Rica.
Let Christ work through you to lift these children up in mind, body, and spirit. Share your blessings as a volunteer, on a mission trip, or with a donation.
Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them,
for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these." Matthew 19:14
Gather your group and join us in Costa Rica or Guatemala to support children in need.
Consider a monthly or one-time gift. All donations go directly to needs of this mission.
Thank you for letting us share our experiences with you as we care for children in need in Guatemala and Costa Rica. Navigate our site to learn more about our ministry and ways to provide support. We are amazed how the Lord provides for our needs through our supporters! Thank you!